Our Commitment to Marginalized Communities
You Are Welcome at Syntero
Syntero is committed to being a provider of choice for marginalized communities whose behavioral health needs are disproportionately worsened by racial disparity, racism, homophobia, transphobia, ageism, sexism, xenophobia and other harmful societal disparities and negative actions. Syntero regularly monitors the unmet needs of marginalized populations and will continue to provide and evolve programming that meets these needs.
Since its inception, Syntero has striven to provide services that are inclusive and diverse in a trauma-informed manner. We provide continued training, as well as opportunities for discussion and engagement, to ensure that all staff members are culturally competent and equipped with the necessary skills to serve the diverse members of our community.
Syntero's trauma-informed, culturally-competent clinicians help address the unique challenges faced by marginalized community members including discrimination that can lead to increased substance use disorders (SUD), suicidal ideation, depression and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).