Older Adults
​Syntero's Older Adult Intensive Outreach focus areas include; but, are not limited to:
Human services, public and private assistance and benefits
Food Assistance (SNAP, pantries, mobile meals)
Access to healthcare, including behavioral health
Access to legal assistance
Navigating complex social, insurance and medical systems (including medical appointments)
Linkage to increase social supports and socialization
Calendar management and household organization
Linkage to additional resources related to Aging in Place
Education, problem solving, needs assessment, active and supportive listening, planning, organizing
Social Connections Groups

Intensive Home-Based Outreach
Syntero’s Intensive Home-Based Outreach service helps residents age 60+ in northwest Franklin County with serious health and daily living concerns achieve a greater quality of life and maintain as much independence as possible.

Volunteer Program - temporarily on hold
Syntero’s Older Adults Volunteer Program makes a valuable contribution to the agency’s older adults clients. One-on-one volunteers are recruited from the community and matched with a Syntero Older Adult client. Volunteers serve as friendly visitors, drivers, errand runners, friendly callers, and also help with occasional chores. Volunteers are carefully screened and then matched with an appropriate client. Volunteers serve on a regular or as-needed basis.

Forever Dublin Hub
Forever Dublin is a partnership between the City of Dublin and Syntero. The Forever Dublin Hub, at Syntero’s Dublin offices, offers Dublin residents age 55+, their family members and caregivers support in finding information and resources to help older adults stay independent as long as possible—to age in place making Dublin their forever home. Free one-to-one navigator informational sessions are available by phone, video, or in-person, covering such topics as Medicare, Social Security, community and government benefits, transportation options, and other resources and referrals related to the challenges of independent living.